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Florida women call on Florida public companies to:


  • All 70 companies with less than three women add at least one woman to their board

  • All 50 companies with three or more women who do not have gender balanced boards: increase to gender diversity, including at least one woman of color

  • All four companies who have achieved gender balance: maintain gender balance with at least one woman of color.​


10 ways for companies to be intentional about adding women to corporate boards:


  1. Set a goal to increase your board diversity by at least one woman in 2024, and don’t wait for another director to retire - 63% of companies on the R3000 that added a woman increased their board size

  2. Broaden the board search spec beyond “CEO or President", that includes C-suite positions, as well as specialist positions below the C-suite; consider leaders of major non-profit organizations, attorneys, military, and educators

  3. Look beyond your own networks for candidates - reach out to professional women's groups with chapters in Florida

  4. Insist that recruiters present candidate pools that are at least 50% diverse

  5. Promote women into P&L roles, not just support roles, to strengthen their candidacy for future boards

  6. Invite women to attend and present at board meetings, and consciously look for opportunities for them to become more visible both within and outside the company

  7. Champion women executives as candidates for other company boards

  8. Encourage and support women to join non-profit boards to get experience

  9. Invest in women by sending them to board readiness programs and other leadership opportunities

  10. Proactively identify and report the gender, race and ethnicity of all board members, including those who are white/Caucasian for better tracking of racial diversity


 Actions individuals can take:


  1. Encourage women to learn about board service early in their careers so they may build their credentials

  2. Participate in board readiness programs to learn how to position yourself for board service

  3. Look for opportunities to get into a role with P & L responsibilities

  4. Increase your visibility and broaden your networks

  5. Join non-profit and association boards and government commissions

  6. Speak with people working in public companies about this issue and encourage them to spread the word throughout their company

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